Goldman Family Preschool

Our Program

NAEYC accredited and now in its 35th year, has a rich history and an outstanding reputation.

Shalom from the GFP Director!

Welcome to the Goldman Family Preschool! We are NAEYC accredited and beginning our 35th year, and we are proud of our rich history and strong reputation.

We approach our work through Jewish values, lenses, and culture. Through the 'High Scope' curriculum, combined with a Reggio Emilia approach, and the JCC Association’s Sheva Learning Framework, we serve children between the ages of six weeks-five years in our child centered, family-oriented program. Educated and trained professionals bring deep commitment and a love of children to our classrooms. We pride ourselves on the wonderful year-round educational activities we offer for young children in our community.

We have an open-door policy and invite you to visit us at any time during the school day. The relationships between parents, children, and teachers create a strong sense of community which is critical to the life of the school. We invite families, through ongoing, regular and meaningful conversations, to partner with us in the education and social-emotional growth of their children. We support families on their parenting journey and together celebrate life.

The Goldman Family Preschool is committed to the admission of children of all ethnic backgrounds, cultures, faiths and traditions. We promote acceptance, while at the same time valuing uniqueness. We encourage respect for cultural, physical, economic and religious differences. Striving to create a nurturing and trusting environment, we foster self-esteem, competence and confidence. It is our hope that the experiences we provide will have a lasting positive effect on the children and families we serve.


Wendy Getchell

Goldman Family Preschool Director

What You Need to Know

Thank you so much for your interest in joining the Goldman Family Preschool! We are fully enrolled for the 2024-2025 school year and through summer of 2025. We are accepting waitlist applications April through December of 2024 for the 2025-2026 school year. In order to be placed on the applicant pool/waitlist we require families to complete the APPLICATION FORM and submit it along with the REQUIED $25 APPLICATION FEE to our administrative office. There is no applicant fee for current family siblings. Please be sure to read the information about our waitlist application process and the included FAQ below before you submit your application form and fee.  


A Completed Application Includes: 

1. Admissions Application and Application Fee Submitted*  

To print or fill out the forms online CLICK HERE and either email it to with the Subject Line: GFP Waitlist  - or mail your completed form and $25 check to:

Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine

c/o Goldman Family Preschool

1342 Congress Street

Portland, ME 04102

To pay the $25 application fee you can CLICK HERE to pay online or mail payment by check or money order along with your completed application form. The application must be fully filled out in all fields to be considered completed.

*Step one gets you onto our applicant pool/waitlist and must be completed, with an applicant form filled out and received along with an application fee in order to be put on the list. 

You will receive an email notification within 7 business days of when we process your family application and fee to confirm that we have put you on the applicant pool/waitlist.

2. Parent Tour with the School Director, Child Readiness Form, Family Questionnaire

Tours will be offered at the time a space becomes available. These tours will take place in the spring. All waitlist families will be updated by April if a room becomes fully enrolled. We will contact you directly by email if a space is available for your child. The required forms for this step will be shared with you at the time a space and tour are offered.

3. Preschool Play Visit and Current Provider Recommendation Form

The play visit is required and will only be scheduled for children of families who have been offered a spot in the Threes and Fours Preschool classroom and have completed the application steps 1 and 2. A parent is required to attend with the child during the play visit. If your child is currently in childcare with a program or individual provider, we will send you a Current Provider Recommendation Form. Please have them fill out the Current Provider Recommendation Form and mail it to us directly with ATTN: GFP Director.

This step must be completed before final enrollment can be processed in order to ensure that our preschool program and curriculum is the best fit for your child and family.


In order to be placed on the applicant pool/waitlist we require families to complete the APPLICATION FORM and submit it along with the required $25 application fee to our administrative office. There is no applicant fee for current family siblings. 

Our waitlist closes during the registration period every year starting from the third week of January and we do not accept any waitlist applications during this time. The following year's waitlist opens on April 3rd. If you applied and are on the current year's waitlist you will automatically be moved to the following year's waitlist in April for the classroom your child's age is eligible for. If you wish to apply for the waitlist, we will begin accepting new applications for our waitlist for the next school year starting in April. Please note that being placed on the applicant pool/waitlist does not enroll your child and is not any guarantee of enrollment.  

As an exceptional NAEYC Accredited Center, the majority of families that enroll stay with GFP for all five years of preschool. As a small preschool serving 5 classrooms infant through Preschool age 5, we have a very limited number of open spaces that may come available in order to enroll new families for any given year. We operate from our applicant pool/waitlist to enroll after our current family, sibling and priority enrollment period ends mid-February. We will operate from our waitlist from Mid-February to March 31st to fill any available spots if space allows. 


Is there a cost to get on the waitlist?

Yes, there is a non-refundable $25 application fee to add your child to our waitlist. Application fee payment can be made online, by phone with a credit card, or sent by mail with your application as a check or money order. This fee may be waived for economic hardship. This is a one time fee.

How does the waitlist work?

Families are placed in an "applicant pool" on our waitlist along with any current family, sibling or other priority status enrollment information provided to us at the submission of your application. The waitlist is dated but decisions are multi-factored as we make decisions with priority status enrollment periods in mind. The waitlist is not necessarily established in the order we received applications but also with priority status qualifiers, and best fit factors needed per cohort.  Once our current family and priority status enrollment periods end, we review the waitlist to offer any available slots for the coming school year. We are unable to guarantee a spot in any classroom until we have completed our priority status enrollment period or a space has opened.

When will I be offered a spot?

We will determine by early spring if we have space to enroll families from the applicant pool/waitlist and will reach out only if space allows. It is difficult to determine when an open space will align with your needs and preferences and our availability. We start the process by assessing the needs of our current families, then, we work from our applicant pool/waitlist in order of priority status as well as cohort best fit. All families on our waitlist will be notified by email when we are fully enrolled.

Do you enroll to the public outside of current family and priority status enrollment each year?  

Yes, however the current trend is that we have been staying mostly fully enrolled in all classrooms from our current family, sibling, and priority enrollment periods each year. We will always operate from our applicant pool/waitlist should space allow after priority status enrollment periods, but it is important to note that not all priority status families will get a spot and there is a significant waitlist each year.

When does the new year begin for children?

The school year begins in September the day after Labor Day and runs until Mid June. New children start in September and then we enroll on a rolling basis during the school year if space allows. Families applying for our waitlist are applying for the school year calendar Sept-June. Once a child is enrolled they are eligible for the summer camp program following that school year. Summer registration is optional and enrollment opens to current families in March. We will only open spots in our summer camps to the public if staffing and space allows.

Do you offer tours of the Preschool?

Yes, we schedule tours once we indicate there is a space available for your child. We typically conduct most tours in the early spring.

Do I need to let you know to move my child to the next age classroom waitlist?

There is no need to reapply to stay on our waitlist. We reach out to families annually in August to confirm if they want to stay on the list. We also ask that if you have enrolled at another center or no longer want to be on our list that you notify us so we can remove you from our waitlist. Please make sure you reach out if your email address or other contact information changes after you submit the application and fees. When you receive the email make sure to follow the directions in order to remain on the list at that time. If you want to stay on the list, then your child will remain on the waitlist for another year at no extra charge. Children are removed from the waitlist if they age out of our program, or by request of the family.

What happens if I am offered a spot?

We will offer you a tour once you confirm that you are interested in moving forward in the enrollment process. You will be required to send in any enrollment forms along with the non-refundable registration fee of $500. The school director will follow up with you once you have completed the tour to confirm enrollment and final placement decisions.

What are your tuition rates?

Please see our tuition rates for the current year HERE.

What does a school year calendar look like? Does Preschool close for vacation and training times during the year?  

Please see this year's school calendar to get a sense of when we are closed for Teacher PD Days, Vacation Weeks and Holidays. We operate a preschool program with specially designed curriculum and care. Our preschool is closed for required teacher training hours at different times scheduled throughout the year and to give our full time staff vacation time. We encourage families to fully investigate our website, calendar, hours of operation and curriculum to ensure they match the needs and best fit for your family. If a space is offered families will have a meeting with the director to give time to discuss and answer best fit questions for your family and child.

Children possess innate curiosity about the universe of people, places, and things around them. At the Goldman Family Preschool, we foster these natural instincts. We believe in a strong image of the child and that education is a process, initiated by the child’s interaction and investigation of their world. It is through these interactions that each child is encouraged to wonder, explore, question and discover, using their own unique learning style and interests. Through the High Scope curriculum, sheva framework and inspiration from Reggio Emilia, our program engages children in a broad range of experiences, including meaningful Jewish cultural exploration. By nurturing the minds and spirits of children throughout their first school experience, we give them the foundation to be lifelong learners.

Our educational vision is based on the High Scope Preschool Curriculum. Research based and child focused, High Scope uses a carefully designed process — called "active participatory learning" — to achieve powerful, positive outcomes. By creating a classroom environment that allows for open-ended learning and discovery, we give children a chance to build their understanding of the world. We also believe that learning is a cooperative venture which includes other children, their teachers, their families, and our larger community.

In our program, literacy, math, social studies, science, music, and arts are emphasized through a framework of hands-on contextualized experiences. High Scope not only helps young children excel in language and cognitive learning but also promotes independence, curiosity, decision-making, cooperation, persistence, creativity, and problem solving — fundamental skills that help support lifelong success.

Starting in September of 2024, our School and Summer programs are open from 8:00 am – 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday with Aftercare until 5:00 pm Monday through Thursday. Friday Shabbat will continue to be held at 3:15 every Friday. Day school will end Fridays at 3:30 pm, after which time mandatory staff meetings will be held. See Hours Below:

School Year and Summer Day Program 8:00 am – 3:30 pm

School Year and Summer After Care 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

*Note there is no aftercare on Fridays.

Friday dismissal is at 3:30 pm directly after Shabbat.

"Shabbat Shalom!" (Peaceful Shabbat)

Every Friday, the students gather together to sing, dance, and celebrate Shabbat! Shabbat is a day of rest that lasts from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday every week. It's traditional to have two loaves of challah, light candles, enjoy a day of rest. 

One of the highlights of Shabbat is when the children bake challah to take home and enjoy with their families. This wonderful aroma fills the school with an extra element of excitement. 

How to Enroll

If you're interested to apply to be on our pool waitlist to be considered for admission for a potential spot in our preschool, please read more here. 

Our Community

The Goldman Family Preschool (GFP) is an integral part of the larger Jewish Community Alliance, which includes a Jewish Community Center (JCC), Jewish Federation (JFNA), and Jewish Family Service (JFS). The goal of the JCA is to enhance the quality of Jewish life in the greater Portland area and around the world through philanthropy, education, social service, culture, spirituality and wellness. The GFP receives support through the JCA, as part of the Annual Campaign.

Parent & Family Resources

The Goldman Family Preschool early childhood program is part of the Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine and all families will be enrolled as members of the JCA upon enrollment at the preschool.

Many people choose to start their JCA Family Membership while they are on the GFP waitlist. Doing so allows you and your child to enjoy programs and member discounts while waiting for a spot to open. You can learn more about Membership at the J here. Once your family enrolls in GFP, your existing membership will be extended. For questions, and more information, reach out to Sam Cohen at

Goldman Family Preschool

Summer Camp

GFP Summer Camps offer children a variety of exciting, engaging and inspiring options of investigative play, to art projects, science experiments, group story times, and of course, lots of time outdoors on our amazing playground!

Summer Camp 2024 is fully enrolled!

Summer Camp


The Goldman Family Preschool runs an eight-week summer camp option. Summer runs as 2 four-week sessions, which is best practice for allowing time for connections, consistency of care, and meeting individual needs of young children under the age of 5.

Session One | Four weeks: June 24th - July 19th. No camp July 4th and 5th.

Session Two  | Four weeks: July 22nd - August 16th. 

Families will have the option to choose a T/W/Th three-day or M-F five-day schedule for each session. Updated Pricing for 2024 Summer Camp Sessions below:

4-week session $2,100 - 5 days (M-F) | $1,260 - 3 days (T,W,TH). 

8-week session $4,200 - 5 days (M-F) | $2,520 - 3 days (T,W,TH).

There is a $200 deposit fee April 15, and May 15. There is a $200 deposit payment per session to secure a spot. If you do not pay in full at the time of registration, then you will be on a 2-part payment plan. Payment 1 will be processed April 15th, and Payment 2 by May 15th with the card you put on file in your CampMinder account. Deposits and payments are non-refundable. As in prior years, all camp charges must be paid in full prior to the start of the camp session. To learn more about registration, payment, and pricing go to our website. 

Summer Camp


The summer curriculum is modeled after our early childhood school program and is for 1–4-year-olds. The program takes place in our classrooms and outdoors on our campus. Summer hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM and Fridays 8:30-3:30pm. We end our day on Fridays with Shabbat from 3:15-3:30pm. 

Summer Camps are staffed by ours highly qualified year-round Early Childhood Educators who will enrich your child’s learning with fun opportunities, lots of exploration, and hands-on discovery.

While incorporating Jewish culture and values to the program, we help the children to explore, grow, learn and have fun! We use a thematic-based curriculum to enrich your child’s learning. Our daily schedule includes literature, art, music, science activities, outdoor water play, and on Fridays our special Shabbat celebration. We will be outside for most of the days in our beautiful natural playground and on our JCA campus.

Please Note: A minimum number of children are needed to run the program and registration will be processed on a first come first serve basis. We use mixed age groups whenever needed per staffing. 2024 SUMMER IS FULLY ENROLLED.

Please Note: A minimum number of children are needed to run the program and registration will be processed on a first come first serve basis. We use mixed age groups during aftercare and whenever needed per staffing. 

GFP Summer Camp and Aftercare Abilities

We welcome children of differing abilities and will do our best to accommodate any special needs if we can. However, please be aware that our summer and aftercare program staff ratios do not always allow us to work with students who require a high frequency of one-on-one guidance and who have challenges outside of what is developmentally appropriate, such as following simple direction, staying with the group and engaging in summer camp with appropriate and safe behaviors. We provide care and curriculum designed with the whole child in mind. School and auxiliary summer and aftercare programming also require different levels of physical/mental ability for children to be successful in group care. If you have questions about how your child's specific abilities will affect their camp experience, please contact the Preschool Director to discuss the situation and devise a plan that will be beneficial for everyone.

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